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Experience Live and On-Demand Shows with Pacific CoastCom

Are you looking to change up your streaming services or want a new, more affordable way to keep up with all your shows? Pacific CastCom in British Columbia is offering customers access to Pik TV, a new way to stream the news, shows, movies, and sports. Customers must be on one of our TELUS internet plans to access this commitment-free TV streaming service. Contact us if you want more information and see what channels we offer. One of our friendly representatives would be happy to answer all your questions and get you started binging again.


What is TELUS TV?

TELUS TV is an entertainment streaming service offered by Pacific CoastCom that lets you catch up on the TV you’re missing without the commitment, contract, or installations and fees to worry about. Pik TV enables you to customize your package with the channels you want. Getting Pik TV set up is simple as can be. Download the Pik TV app on your smartphone, tablet, Apple TV, or other streaming devices, and start watching. Our TELUS Pik TV packages include:


  • Pik Max is back: Customers can enjoy Pik Max for only $40.00/month, which includes 23 basic channels, Crave, TSN, SportsNet and 10 channels of your choice!
  • 5 specialty channels that you can swap every month for $10 a month
  • STARZ for $10 a month
  • Crave for $20 a month
  • You’ll gain access to TELUS TV’s on-demand library, with movies, hit series, and TELUS Presents original titles and more
  • Enjoy Pik TV when and wherever you want
  • No commitment and cancel at any time without any penalties

Optik TV Offers 4K Streaming

We’re proud to offer 4K streaming through our Optik TV streaming service. This TV streaming service gives you more shows, on-demand movies, and other premium services in the comfort of your living room. We offer a 4K streaming box that can save up to five shows for you to rewatch whenever you want. You’ll also be able to save the movies and shows you like, and the format determines the amount you can save. This service does require installation, but the benefits are worth it.


Answering FAQ about Pik TV

The possibility of having live and on-demand shows whenever and wherever you want is sure to generate some questions. We’ve compiled a list of some of the more commonly asked questions we get about our Pik TV service. Suppose you have questions not on this list before reaching out to our representatives. They should be able to provide you with more specific details regarding your questions or concerns. Here are some of the more frequent questions we see:

Pik TV is capable of streaming on up to two devices at the same time. It’s important to note that there is a limit of 1 Pik TV or TELUS TV box per account.


Category: Pik TV

It works with our TELUS TV box, Apple TV, NVIDIA Shield TV, Sony Android TV, and Chromecast. These devices can be purchased from major electronics retailers.


Category: Pik TV

Simply enough, you can check your bill online or talk to a customer service representative.


Category: Pik TV


Take Your TV On the Go

Through Pik TV, Pacific CoastCom strives to provide affordable access to high-quality streaming shows allowing you to keep up with your favorite shows. We have 4K options through our Optik TV bundle. Regardless of your needs, we have a TV streaming bundle perfect for you. You’ll be able to access live and on-demanding streaming TV on the go. Contact one of our customer service representatives to learn more about our packages and start your TV streaming as soon as possible.


As a TELUS Platinum Dealer, you get all of the benefits & technology of TELUS, but with superior, personalized customer service!